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Hot New Web Dev – June 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev June 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month announce the new features in the latest MacOS release and how security as a software developer is important. Free learning resources cover TypeScript, Nest JS and Data structures & Algorithms. The tool of the month goes icon mad.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – March 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev March 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. March has been a busy month with women worldwide celebrating International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, here in the UK.

Although it’s just another day I enjoyed being cooked for both days. Back in the technology world, March has seen a big buyout with an interesting future together. You will find the regular learning and coding resources and our tool of the month is a cross-platform terminal. Happy Easter folks.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – February 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev February 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month’s edition features the new release of KDE Plasma for all of you Linux fans. We have some new learning opportunities as well as web design resources. Our tool of the month is the ultimate productivity privacy-focused browser you won’t regret installing.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to Hot Web Dev January 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. In this month’s edition, we feature some more old-school technologies, including a programming language. Find out more about a free JavaScript Bootcamp and how to spice up your shell.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – December 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev December 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. In this final edition of 2023 we will take a trip down memory lane and discuss some of the old-school technologies that helped shape the web we see today. Our tool of the month will excite markdown lovers who need a project management tool. Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope that 2024 brings us more learning resources and tools that you will love.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – November 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev November 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. Bagged yourself a bargain in the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale or fed up with the email inbox being swamped? You are lucky because it’s not been featured in this edition. Instead, we are discussing privacy, and learning resources to start your coding journey. Look out for the tool of the month which is not your ordinary code snippet manager.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – October 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev October 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month features a very humble birthday celebration for a fast-evolving learning platform. We explore how the role of a web designer has changed over the past 13 years along with other bugbears of visiting a website in 2023. The tool of the month can save you thousands of pounds if you are a PHP developer.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – September 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev September 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. Wow, September had been a busy month with the release of iOS 17 and MacOS Sonoma. So much has happened this month that we do not have time to fit them in. However, we have time to celebrate other companies that have helped shape the web instead. In this edition, we also feature top new technology announced, the usual coding insights and tool of the month.

in Web Development

Building SEO-Friendly Website with React – Facts & Features 

Want to rank higher on the search engine and drive more traffic? If yes, you need to focus on building SEO-friendly websites. It can help increase the visibility of your website and boost your conversion rates.  When it comes to developing SEO-friendly websites, React JS is a popular choice among developers. However, many developers have a misconception that React is not ideal, in terms of SEO. But it isn’t true!

in Web Development