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Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

Hot New Web Dev – June 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev June 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month announce the new features in the latest MacOS release and how security as a software developer is important. Free learning resources cover TypeScript, Nest JS and Data structures & Algorithms. The tool of the month goes icon mad.

in Web Development

Build an Awesome Daisy UI WordPress Theme – Part 3

Daisy UI is an awesome selection of Tailwind components for your next WordPress classic theme. You can have your custom theme up and running within a few weeks. In the first part of the series, we set up the environment to build an awesome Daisy UI WordPress theme and added a basic layout, footer, and navigation in the second part. This part features jazzing up the search form in the navigation, making it a little more mobile-friendly and adding a sidebar and widgets.

in WordPress

Hot New Web Dev – May 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev May 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month’s edition comes late due to my hectic work life and university study schedule. May was full of assignments and exams. The academic year is over now and this edition features exposed algorithms and a fresh batch of learning resources. The tool of the month is for developers who have an eye for design.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – April 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev April 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month features the impact of short-form content with short attention spans and tools for visual learners. The tool of the month packs a whole heap of features into a development environment you will want to install.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – March 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev March 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. March has been a busy month with women worldwide celebrating International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, here in the UK.

Although it’s just another day I enjoyed being cooked for both days. Back in the technology world, March has seen a big buyout with an interesting future together. You will find the regular learning and coding resources and our tool of the month is a cross-platform terminal. Happy Easter folks.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – February 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev February 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month’s edition features the new release of KDE Plasma for all of you Linux fans. We have some new learning opportunities as well as web design resources. Our tool of the month is the ultimate productivity privacy-focused browser you won’t regret installing.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to Hot Web Dev January 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. In this month’s edition, we feature some more old-school technologies, including a programming language. Find out more about a free JavaScript Bootcamp and how to spice up your shell.

in Web Development

Magical Microsoft Journey To Embrace Open Source

Over the last 20 years, Microsoft has transformed from a closed-source software giant to a company that embraces open source and actively contributes to the development community. One of the most significant milestones in this journey was Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub, a popular platform for hosting and collaborating on open-source projects.

in Software

Hot New Web Dev – December 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev December 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. In this final edition of 2023 we will take a trip down memory lane and discuss some of the old-school technologies that helped shape the web we see today. Our tool of the month will excite markdown lovers who need a project management tool. Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope that 2024 brings us more learning resources and tools that you will love.

in Web Development