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Month August 2010

Getting to grips with PHP Radio Buttons

Following on from getting to grips with PHP Checkboxes I decided to write a little tutorial on radio buttons. As you know radio buttons can only have 1 state either on or off and only one can be selected at any one time. Here is a simple tutorial on how to get data from a database, select the radio button, get data from the form and update the database. If you have previously read and completed the setup procedure the process is the same so you may want to go straight to the code.  This script has now been included in wow playground with new and updated features.

in Web Development

Getting to grips with PHP Checkboxes

The aim of this tutorial is simply to get the data from PHP checkboxes and store it in an MYSQL database and on page load, the data is retrieved from the database and is shown which would be suitable for an options page in a PHP script. This script has now been included in wow playground with new and updated features.

in Web Development