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Month October 2019

MacOS Catalina – Light-Hearted, Humble Review

Welcome to my light-hearted review of Catalina. My Mac is 7 years old and my last review of a Mac OS was back in 2014.  The Mac in question has lasted longer than any Windows Computer that I have ever owned. As the last DIY upgradeable Mac, I added an SSD and 16GB RAM. If only they let you do that now!  Over the last few years, old Macs have been incompatible with the latest operating system.  Being 7 years old I thought it was time.  Apple ceases to amaze me (please humour me) by making my MacBook Pro compatible with Catalina.  I had my doubts that it would run. I navigated my way to the App Store with my inner voice telling me no, don’t do it!

in Software

The Key Differences Between Charts and Graphs Explained

As a data expert, you have to deal with various presentation methods like charts and graphs. By now, you should not be struggling to understand that these two have some differences unless you are a beginner. If you look carefully, you will notice that all graphs are forms of charts, but the latter are not necessarily graphs.  To clear the air, we will look at the major differences between the two so that both beginners in data and experts can both easily understand it. Read on to learn more.

in Education