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Tag Extensions

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Programming

It can be hard to start programming. Especially if you’re going from a newish casual developer to doing a degree. Considering I’m in my fourth and final year of said degree, I’d like to think I know my way around my IDE of choice by now. I’d also like to think I know a few more things than 17-year-old Cait did back when I started my degree, I’d only really done basic HTML scripting, SQL and Python, and hadn’t considered the fact I could set up my IDE with other extensions to make my life easier.

in Software

Top 10 Visual Studio Code Extensions 2022

With each Visual Studio Code update, extensions can change. Some extensions may become built into the current release or stop being actively maintained. For whatever reason, it’s always good to try out new extensions and check old ones. Here are the Top 10 Visual Studio Code extensions 2022 that I use the most. Spoiler alert: Some of which are not the most popular.

in Software

Final Farewell Disqus – Time for Change

Over the past few weeks, I have made many small changes to WOW. Some are more noticeable than others. For example, updating the external CSS and JavaScripts to their latest versions. One big change has made my blog revert to a feature of yesteryear, something that I started with back in 2008.

in WordPress

Top Savvy VS Code Extensions 2019

VS Code has become popular since its initial release in 2015. Released 1 year after Adobe Brackets and a year before Atom.  The battle of the text editors began to rival Commercial software Sublime Text. VS Code was designed to be a next-generation Code editor built on top of the Electron Framework. Its lightweight functionality and its extensible features make it fully compatible with the majority of programming languages. Microsoft has also made it cross-platform so it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. It can even run as a portable app.

in Web Development

Hello Bulma CSS Framework, Goodbye Bootstrap

During spring, I decided to give WOW a little overhaul and create a new WordPress theme. I previously used bootstrap 3, which at the time was very stable. During the development stage, I could upgrade to Bootstrap 4 or change to another framework.  Having looked at several options I opted to choose Bulma, a fast-growing lightweight CSS framework. Here are my findings.

in Web Development

Extensions to Install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets

When it comes to open-source code editors we are spoilt for choice.  Do you go for Brackets, Atom or Visual Studio Code editors as an alternative to using a paid-for software? Do you install all and use them for different projects?  Here is a list of extensions to install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets. These extensions will enhance the use of your code editor making you super productive.

in Web Development

Top Atom Packages You Should Install From The Start

Atom, like Brackets, is a 21st century, full-featured, cross-platform, open-source hackable text editor from Github. Currently, at the time of writing, there are over 7000 Atom packages available to extend its functionality further. Sifting through all of those packages is both time-consuming and cumbersome.

in Web Development

Import/Export Brackets Themes and Extensions

If you have, or want, brackets installed on multiple operating systems (OS) then it could be rather cumbersome having to manually install all your favourite extensions. Enter Brackets-ExtensionsBulkInstall a handy brackets extension which enables the bulk installation of extensions and themes on other platforms. In the following tutorial I will be exporting from a Mac to a Linux machine

in Software

Top 20 Brackets Extensions You Should Use

As a big fan of open source software I was quite excited when Brackets, a code editor, founded by Adobe, was initially released in November 2014. Released for Mac, Windows and Linux and is guided by a community of fans, that are willing to improve and build upon it. Since it’s release I have tested many extensions but here are some of my favourites, for a bonus I’ll throw in the ones that will make Brackets more visually appealing. Star

in Software