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Display your Tweets Using WOW Tweet Show

Following my previous post how to display twitter posts on your site. I decided to tweak it further by adding a time since function and I have also renamed it WOW Tweet Show. This script has been depreciated in favor of the the new Twitter API. Check out WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0


This code has since been depreciated. It has been left purely for educational purposes.

<?php // Set timezone

function dateDiff($time1, $time2, $precision = 6)
    if (!is_int($time1))
        $time1 = strtotime($time1);
    if (!is_int($time2))
        $time2 = strtotime($time2);
    if ($time1 > $time2)
        $ttime = $time1;
        $time1 = $time2;
        $time2 = $ttime;
    $intervals = array(
    $diffs     = array();
    foreach ($intervals as $interval)
        $diffs[$interval] = 0;
        $ttime            = strtotime("+1 " . $interval, $time1);
        while ($time2 >= $ttime)
            $time1 = $ttime;
            $ttime = strtotime("+1 " . $interval, $time1);
    $count = 0;
    $times = array();
    foreach ($diffs as $interval => $value)
        if ($count >= $precision)
        if ($value > 0)
            if ($value != 1)
                $interval .= "s";
            $times[] = $value . " " . $interval;
    return implode(", ", $times);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
#load the RSS -- replace 'USERNAME' with your user of choice

if ($doc->load(''))
    echo "<ul>n";
    $max_tweets = 10; #number of <li> elements to display.  20 is the maximum
    $i          = 1;
    foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node)
        # fetch the title from the RSS feed.
        $tweet = $node->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        #Fetch the link from the feed
        $link = $node->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        #This gets the date and separates it into sections
        $pubDate = $node->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $month = substr($pubDate, 7, 4);
        $date  = substr($pubDate, 4, 3);
        $year  = substr($pubDate, 11, 5);
        $day   = substr($pubDate, 0, 3);
        $title = $day . $date . $month . $year;
        #pre-defined lazy tags
        $ddmmyy   = $date . $month . $year;
        $mmyy     = $month . $year;
        $mmddyy   = $month . $date . $year;
        $ddmm     = $date . $month;
        $today    = time();
        $timeDiff = dateDiff($today, $pubDate, 1);
        # the title of each tweet starts with "username: " which I want to remove
        $tweet = substr($tweet, stripos($tweet, ':') + 1);
        # OPTIONAL: turn URLs into links
        $tweet = preg_replace('@(https?://([-w.]+)+(:d+)?(/([w/_./-]*(?S+)?)?)?)@', '<a target="blank" title="$1" href="$1">$1</a>', $tweet);
        #OPTIONAL: turn hashtags into links
        $tweet = preg_replace('/#([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)/', "<a target='blank' title='$1' href="$1">#$1</a>", $tweet);
        #OPTIONAL: turn @replies into links
        $tweet = preg_replace("/@([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)/", "<a target='blank' title='$1' href="$1">@$1</a>", $tweet);
        #The following line can changed to suit your needs.
        #echo "<li class='tweet'>"."<strong>"."<a href='$link' target='blank'title='$title'>".$ddmm ."</a>" ."</strong>"  .$tweet  ."</li>n";
        # echo "<li class='tweet'>"."<em>" . "<a href='$link' target='blank' title='$title'>" . $ddmmyy."</a>" . "</em>" . $tweet . "</li>n";
        #echo "<li class='tweet'>". $tweet . "<strong>". "<a href='$link' target='blank' title='$title'>" . $ddmmyy."</a>" . "</strong>" . "</li>n";
        #echo "<li class='tweet'>" . "<strong>" . $ddmm . "</strong>" . $tweet . "</li>n";
        #echo "<li class='smallTweet'>" . $ddmm . "</li> n";
        echo "<li class='tweet'>" . $tweet . "</li>n";
        echo "<li class='smallTweet'>" . 'about' . '&nbsp;' . $timeDiff . '&nbsp;' . 'ago' . "</li> n";
        if ($i++ >= $max_tweets)
    echo "</ul>n";

Line 66Change USERNAME to your twitter username.
Line 124 displays the time since data.

You can style the CSS to suit your needs.

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