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Build an Awesome Daisy UI WordPress Theme – Part 3

Daisy UI is an awesome selection of Tailwind components for your next WordPress classic theme. You can have your custom theme up and running within a few weeks. In the first part of the series, we set up the environment to build an awesome Daisy UI WordPress theme and added a basic layout, footer, and navigation in the second part. This part features jazzing up the search form in the navigation, making it a little more mobile-friendly and adding a sidebar and widgets.

in WordPress

Hot New Web Dev – February 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev February 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month’s edition features the new release of KDE Plasma for all of you Linux fans. We have some new learning opportunities as well as web design resources. Our tool of the month is the ultimate productivity privacy-focused browser you won’t regret installing.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to Hot Web Dev January 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. In this month’s edition, we feature some more old-school technologies, including a programming language. Find out more about a free JavaScript Bootcamp and how to spice up your shell.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – November 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev November 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. Bagged yourself a bargain in the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale or fed up with the email inbox being swamped? You are lucky because it’s not been featured in this edition. Instead, we are discussing privacy, and learning resources to start your coding journey. Look out for the tool of the month which is not your ordinary code snippet manager.

in Web Development

Build an Awesome Daisy UI WordPress Theme – Part 2

Daisy UI is an awesome selection of Tailwind components for your next WordPress classic theme. You can have your custom theme up and running within a few weeks. In the first part of the series, we set up the environment to build an awesome Daisy UI WordPress theme. This part features building the basic layout, navigation and footer.

in WordPress

Build an Awesome Daisy UI WordPress Theme – Part 1

Daisy UI is an awesome selection of Tailwind components for your next WordPress classic theme. You can have your custom theme up and running within a few weeks. In this multipart tutorial, we will show you first how to set up your environment to build an awesome Daisy UI WordPress theme.

in WordPress

Revamping Worldoweb: A Dive into My New Design with Daisy UI

Shoutout to Daisy UI: If you’ve been away from worldoweb for some time or just chanced upon it, you’re witnessing my brand-new design. Initiated in early August, I set the month-end as my deadline, and in this post, I’ll walk you through the instruments I utilised and weigh in on the merits and pitfalls of the development process.

in WordPress

Top 10 Visual Studio Code Extensions 2022

With each Visual Studio Code update, extensions can change. Some extensions may become built into the current release or stop being actively maintained. For whatever reason, it’s always good to try out new extensions and check old ones. Here are the Top 10 Visual Studio Code extensions 2022 that I use the most. Spoiler alert: Some of which are not the most popular.

in Software

JavaScript Date Sorter

The JavaScript Date Sorter is a vanilla JavaScript Project that uses an HTML form to grab a name and date input and adds it to an HTML table. There is a third column that takes the date, calculates the age then adds it to the table. This table can be sorted and items can be deleted. The data uses the browser LocalStorage to store the items. There are buttons to recalculate the age and clear the table.

in Web Development