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Oh Apple Please Do Make your Products more Affordable

I first became interested in Apple computers when I saw the design of the Power Mac G4, it looked stylish, contemporary and like nothing in its time. Unfortunately, you had to be in the ‘Mac Club’ to afford it. I wasn’t but still dreamed of owning a Mac one day. Fast forward 8 years to 2012 when my late fiancé bought me one for Christmas. It was at the time when they were still expensive. Retina screens were kicking off and the non-retina model, that I have, were more affordable.

Apple computer

As you can imagine I was in dreamland, the best present ever. Within a month I ripped out the 8GB RAM and upgraded it to its 16GB maximum capacity. Although a little RAM happy I could navigate the intuitive Mountain Lion OS with ease.

My Apple History

The following year, 2014, I received a 1st edition iPad Air for Christmas. I loved this for general surfing, reading and playing my trusty games but the Mac was always the winner.

In 2015 I finally ditched Android and switched to an iPhone 5. Finally, I had completed my Apple lineup and with the release of handoff in OS X Yosemite. Things couldn’t get any better and I was able to multitask on all of my 3 devices.

2016 brought me the iPhone 7 and MacOS Sierra along with upgrading my hard disk drive to a Solid State Drive (SSD).The speed boost is fantastic and very noticeable. God, I love Apple! I use my Mac, on a daily basis and it has never let me down.

As 2017 is drawing to an end realisation starts to kick in. One day the Mac that has been with me for 5 years will stop being supported or possibly go to silicon heaven. Computing has moved on with the times but unfortunately, my budget hasn’t.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not at all a boaster. I do not brag that I have a Mac, bring it up in conversation, nor do I enforce my opinions on others. The Apple products I love are because they never let me down. I am not a Windows hater either as I have access to Windows 10 devices at home and work.

The Apple Frustrations Begin

Over 5 years Apple decided to make their MacBooks non-upgradeable, leaving a lot of people like myself frustrated. I can understand it from a business sense, to make money, but again is Apple being greedy? Are they really “cutting off their nose, to spite their face”. On the plus side, they are engineered for brilliance. Do you really need to buy another Mac 2 years after your last purchase?

If I was to buy a basic modern-day MacBook Pro with like-for-like RAM and Disk Drive it would set me back £1,829.00 That’s nearly double the cost of my 5-year-old model.

Mac products may be more beautiful and intuitive but they have priced real-world living people, like me, out of the equation. I could have one on finance but again that’s against my principles.

As previously mentioned My first Mac was a gift from my late fiancé, who worked hard to buy it. I have cherished it, it still looks like new, performs well. Some would say I have working class values and morals, which I stick too.

I would have another Mac in a heartbeat but if it was to break then sadly I might have to say goodbye Apple.


Would you buy another Mac? Are you disgruntled at being forced to pay more instead of being able to upgrade it yourself? Feel free to share your Mac stories.

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