Many years ago web designers were limited to JavaScript when adding functionality to web sites. This was before the official release of HTML5 and CSS3. JS added oomph to any website, making it more appealing and sexy. If the user disabled JS in the browser then web sites had to be functional without it.
Will JavaScript ever die? must have been on many peoples minds. Well, the answer to that is no. JavaScript has become popular over the years. JS Frameworks like jQuery, MooTools, _Underscore, Backbone gave JS a new lease of life. These 1st generation frameworks are still used in today’s environments.
It wasn’t until the appearance of the 2nd wave of JS frameworks like React, Angular and Vue that made it exciting. It’s not going to die anytime soon. The JS of yesteryear is nothing like it is today. We have the ECMA Specifications which improve and make JS more easy to work with each year. Here is a list of beginners resources to kickstart your development.
MDN Web Docs
One of the first sites you will come across if you search “Learn JavaScript”. There is an excellent wealth of knowledge on the Mozilla Developer Network. The first port of call for any newbie developer.
JavaScript for Cats
If you don’t have any knowledge whatsoever and would prefer a gentle introduction. Max Ogden created JavaScript for Cats. This fun-loving intro into programming encourages you to start with the basics to get a feel for it. If you like cats then it’s a bonus.
Eloquent JavaScript
The 3rd edition of Eloquent JavaScript written by Marijn Haverbeke covers modern JS. It has easy to follow projects and features promises, asynchronous programming and Node.
JavaScript Garden
This guide doesn’t try to teach you the language. JavaScript Garden helps you spot common mistakes, bugs and how to avoid bad practices.
Learn X in Y Minutes
A one-page guide for anyone wanting to refresh their knowledge in a short period. It covers all the basics including Numbers, Strings, Booleans, Arithematic, Arrays, Functions, Loops and Logical Statements.
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Initially created in 2007 the Open Source tutorial is regularly updated and refreshed. It starts with beginners resources to more advanced topics as you progress. With over 8500 stars on Github, JavaScript Info is a site that you want to bookmark.
Interactive JavaScript Tutorial
Guru99 is a fun and free educational website that covers many programming languages. It starts with the fundamentals of JS leading through to more advanced tutorials. Guru 99 also has more advanced sections on Node, Angular and React.
Another library targeting many programming languages. Javatpoint doesn’t feature all the latest modern techniques you will find today. However, it provides a good understanding of the basics with every section accessible. Javatpoint also covers sections on Node, Typescript, jQuery and many more JS Frameworks.
You Don’t Know JavaScript Yet is a collection of books that dive into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. The second version is still work in progress but there is a good amount of information available.
Practical Modern JavaScript
A free to read HTML Version of a published O’Reilly book. Aimed mainly at professional software developers that have a basic understanding of JS. It focuses on Modularity and ES6 and how to create reusable modules.
If written tutorials are not your thing then here are some YouTube videos that start you on the right path.
[su_youtube url=”” title=”Introduction to JavaScript”]
[su_youtube url=”” title=”JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts – The First 3.5 Hours”]
[su_youtube url=”″ title=”JavaScript Fundamentals For Beginners”]
[su_youtube url=”” title=”JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners”]
This article is the tip of the iceberg of all the resources that are available on the web. If you have a suggestion then please feel free to get in touch or mention it in the comments below.
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