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Top 10 Super YouTube Coders for Learning

Welcome to my Top 10 YouTube coders for learning. I would have to admit I didn’t really get into YouTube until a year or so ago. I started doing a course myself and was looking around for some inspiration. My list is formed from my own opinion.  I’m open to hearing your own thoughts in the comment section.

YouTube Splash Screen

Apart from being quite shy, I don’t have my own YouTube channel because  I don’t like to hear the sound of my own voice.  If anyone does have a particular interest in covering any of my content then feel free to get in touch about collaborating.

Now let’s proceed with my Top 10 YouTube Coders, in no particular order.

1. Tech with Tim

Tim started his channel when he was in high school. He started like many, learning the basics before learning programming languages. Fundamentally, his tutorials cover Python but he also covers other languages like JavaScript and Java. At the time of writing Tim is only 20 years of age but knows someone that has been in the field for 20 years. I find him inspirational and a role model for teenagers and adults alike. His content delivery is clean and handles himself in a very professional but engaging way for everyone to understand.

Visit Tech with Tim’s YouTube Channel and website.

2. Traversy Media

Brad Traversy has been delivering tutorials for around 10 years. With over 1.3 million subscribers he is a pro-YouTube coder. His topics cover all aspects of web development including Node, JS, Frameworks, design and running a business. He delivers his content with ease and in an engaging aspect.  He inspires me because he has had some very difficult times, like myself, and has managed to come through them. He talks openly and honestly about those times and you can see his motivation shine within.  He currently has guest posts featuring other top YouTube coders.

Visit Traversy Media’s YouTube Channel or website.

3. Caleb Curry

Caleb covers everything from programming and cryptocurrency to data structures and algorithms. He covers several programming languages including Python, JavaScript, Java, C++ and C.  With these in mind he has feature-length tutorials covering basics to advanced topics. His teaching method is fun, engaging and easy to follow. He also likes to crack a few jokes.

Visit Caleb Currys YouTube Channel or website.

4. Chris Hawkes

His teaching style is straight to the point so might not suit everyone. Personally, I like his directness and his passion. He is not going to sugar coat everything and say that you will be a professional within a week.  He speaks frankly and openly about his experiences and he won’t try to push his paid-for courses on you. Chris covers Python, JavaScript and frameworks. I find his style honest and very motivating.

Visit Chris Hawkes YouTube Channel or website.

5. The Net Ninja

The net ninja covers the majority of front and back end web development topics including JavaScript and PHP. He also covers laravel, react and vue frameworks and much more. His teaching style is friendly and very clear to understand for beginners and novices alike.

Visit The Net Ninja YouTube Channel.

6.Program with Erik

Erik’s channel features a lot of front end tutorials featuring mainly Vue JS. He also posts videos on new experiences with other frameworks for the first time. He gives his honest opinions and his tutorials are clear to follow, very engaging and honest. His knows Vue JS like the back of his hand. He also publishes on udemy.

Vist Program with Erik YouTube Channel or website.

7. Web Dev Simplified

Web Dev Simplified focuses on learning from the beginning. Primarily teaching JavaScript his style is very engaging. He comes across as well mannered, easy to understand and very flexible with his content. Like Tech with Tim, he is a young man who is a fantastic role model for the youth of today.

Visit Web Dev Simplified YouTube Channel or website.

8. DesignCourse

Gary covers front and back end technologies but also Graphic Design and UX/UI. With over 700,000 subscribers he is one of the major players. His teaching style is engaging, clear and understandable. He has worked for various learning platforms including and currently has his own subscription platform.

Visit Design Course YouTube Channel or website.

9. Programming with Mosh

Mosh packs his tutorials with his 20+ years experience. With over 1.4 million subscribers he clearly is a leader in his field. He has his own learning platform Code with Mosh where he focuses on mastering various programming languages and technologies.

Visit Programming with Mosh YouTube Channel or website

10. All Things JavaScript

All things JavaScript does what it says on the tin. It focuses on JavaScript! The tidbit tutorials are explained simply and easily digestible due to their short length. The examples are clear, engaging and delivered with expertise. I’m surprised that the number of subscribers isn’t far greater and would recommend that you check it out.

Visit All Things JavaScript YouTube Channel or website.

YouTube Coder Conclusion

I have only merely touched the surface of the YouTube coders out there. Let me know who your favourite is in the comments and I’ll check them out. Maybe we can have a part 2!

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