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Month April 2021

Hot Web Design and Development – April 2021

Welcome to the April 2021 edition of web design and development. This month’s edition features Microsoft again but this time for positive reasons. This month we will be nice to Microsoft and let’s show a little love to VS Code. As usual, see the latest in coding and web design resources.

in Web Development

How to Manage Your Assignment Writing Workload

Assignment writing is an integral part of academics. A student has to write and complete countless assignment writing tasks during his/her schooling. It is good for students because assignment writing helps them improve their writing skills, thinking ability, and potential to work anytime and anywhere.

in Education

Create Your Business Letterhead With The Help Of Printing Professionals

Many powerful online design platforms give you a full hand to control the creative process of creating marketing material. Though they can deliver outstanding results and straightforward to use, they are still not that perfect. You may find a few elements not in an ideal position or shape while using them to design business letterheads. That’s why you should get them manually designed and printed from a reputable printing company.

in Marketing