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Month September 2023

Hot New Web Dev – September 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev September 2023, featuring the latest technology and web development news. Wow, September had been a busy month with the release of iOS 17 and MacOS Sonoma. So much has happened this month that we do not have time to fit them in. However, we have time to celebrate other companies that have helped shape the web instead. In this edition, we also feature top new technology announced, the usual coding insights and tool of the month.

in Web Development

Build an Awesome Daisy UI WordPress Theme – Part 1

Daisy UI is an awesome selection of Tailwind components for your next WordPress classic theme. You can have your custom theme up and running within a few weeks. In this multipart tutorial, we will show you first how to set up your environment to build an awesome Daisy UI WordPress theme.

in WordPress

How Image-to-Text Converter Is Beneficial for University Students

Image-to-text converters are innovative tools that unlock the text trapped within images, transforming it into editable, searchable digital data. Consider this: you capture a snapshot of a page in your textbook, and within moments, it’s turned into text that you can tweak, sift through, and systematize. 

This isn’t a glimpse into a distant future, but rather, a modern reality engineered to ease your university life and make it more efficient.

in Education

The Best Student Developer Resources and Perks 2023

The life of a student developer can be both exciting and challenging. This unique phase in a developer’s journey is often characterised by learning, experimenting, balancing multiple priorities, and working on real-world projects. If you are off to University or college here are some ultimate freebies and free educational licenses that will kick-start your education.

in Education

Building SEO-Friendly Website with React – Facts & Features 

Want to rank higher on the search engine and drive more traffic? If yes, you need to focus on building SEO-friendly websites. It can help increase the visibility of your website and boost your conversion rates.  When it comes to developing SEO-friendly websites, React JS is a popular choice among developers. However, many developers have a misconception that React is not ideal, in terms of SEO. But it isn’t true!

in Web Development

IoT Mastery: Streamlining City Networks from Sewers to Streets

In an era where technology drives change, city management is undergoing a profound transformation. The interlinked networks that bind our cities together are evolving into sophisticated systems, driven by data and connectivity. The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a groundbreaking solution, reshaping the oversight and operation of our urban spaces.

From managing wastewater facilities to controlling traffic intersections, IoT devices play a crucial role in creating smarter, safer, and more efficient cities.

in Technology