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Wow Weekly Monday 7th October

Welcome to this weeks Wow weekly. My new design is well under way and I hope to be moving to my new theme pretty soon. Here is a selection of must-read posts for this week on getting started in IT, blogging, Adobe and the usual collection of design and development links.

Getting Started in IT & Blogging

If only I was born some 15 years later into the world where everything is run by computers, things might be different. Just kidding! When I was a youngster I played games on a BBC and the only computer I had access to at junior school was an Acorn Computer (Remember Them). At Secondary school, the computers were about as powerful as a pocket calculator and were only used if you wanted to study Business Studies which may have come in useful I guess. However, I didn’t as I opted to study Media Studies instead and got to host a radio station for 2 years on the trot, which back then was cool.

I started getting into computers when I was 19 when I wanted to do a programming course in Cobol but the college decided that I was a girl and girl’s can’t do programming so they enrolled me in an office course instead. Needless to say, I completed the course in 2 weeks and bid them farewell. Since then I have self-taught everything from upgrading computers to web design, programming and this blog with it’s umpteen re-designs. I often wonder if I could achieve what I have done and more going to university but who knows!

Have you got a formal qualification or do you believe you can achieve anything with a little hard work?

Learning IT
Image provided by Shutterstock

How to get started in IT

Guest Blogging Works For Me!

Adobe Hacked

Adobe Hacked
Image provided by Shutterstock

Reports have shown that Adobe customer accounts and encrypted debit card details have been compromised using sophisticated techniques. If your account has been compromised Adobe will email you to reset your password.

More Info

Design & Development Resources

17 Best Web Design Tools for Designers and Developers

6 Basic Sales Tips Every Freelance Web Designer Really Needs to Know
Powerful Workflow Tips, Tools And Tricks For Web Designers

Google Web Designer Now Available: Build Beautiful HTML5 Creative With Ease

Design-Based Media Queries

How to Add an Advanced Search to Your WordPress Site

10 Best CSS Frameworks Which Developers Must Use For Faster Development

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