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5 Call Centre Tech Trends for 2020

The best call centres are those with the ideal combination of well-trained staff and the right technology. New tech trends are emerging all the time, but which ones enable call centre agents and the organisations they work in to improve overall business performance?  They have to adapt to meet the ever-evolving needs of the modern-day customer, and the software they use is playing an increasingly fundamental role.

With that in mind, let’s look at the latest call centre tech trends in 2020 and how they can improve your response rate and overall customer satisfaction.

Lady in a call centre

1. Cloud-Based Call Centres

Having a customer service model that hinges on cloud-based call centre software will save you both money and space. There’s no need for hardware or an expensive IT department. Instead, cloud-based call centres offer real-time communication tools and allow agents and customers to interact with one another via multiple communication channels.

It’s a solution that enables organisations to manage a remote workforce to support customers in real-time and doesn’t require much technical know-how.

2. AI Voice Response

Interactive voice response (IVR) is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and can facilitate a customer’s journey with a company by ensuring they reach the right agent straight away. Customers hate being passed from pillar to post, and this tech helps to nip that in the bud. The best IVR AI voice response tech can interpret accents and voice tones with greater accuracy than older speech recognition software.

3. Omnichannel Contact Centre

A professional call centre allows an organisation to provide customers with an array of communication channels that support multiple devices. The software should provide the infrastructure you need to deliver a consistent and seamless customer experience– via any of the following:

  • Voice calls
  • Video messaging
  • SMS messaging
  • Live web chat
  • Email
  • Mobile web
  • Social media

4. Analytics

Call centre software provides companies with valuable data that helps them improve their performance, build customers profile and improve profit margins. How so? Analytics help companies look at their agents’ response times, customer satisfaction levels, the reasons why customers call, what they’re asking agents, which communications methods they prefer and how many times they make contact. Needless to say, these figures can help companies identify training and development opportunities for agents.

It’s also possible to evaluate analytics that categorises interactions with customers using keywords and phrases. So, you’ll save tons of time because no one has to listen to hundreds of hours of recorded calls to source this vital information.

5. Self-Service Tools

Any call centre software worth its salt will offer customers the choice to help themselves. If a customer has a basic question, and you can provide troubleshooting advice on generic issues, customers may be able to solve their problems without speaking to a live agent. This means companies can free up their agents to focus on more intensive tasks.

Integrating the right call centre software into a company’s customer service model is a forward-thinking way of embracing the best call centre tech trends for 2020. Adopting new technology will not only enhance the quality of your customer service, but it should also improve customer retention and free up call centre agents to be more productive.

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