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Hot New Web Dev – June 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev June 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month announce the new features in the latest MacOS release and how security as a software developer is important. Free learning resources cover TypeScript, Nest JS and Data structures & Algorithms. The tool of the month goes icon mad.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – May 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev May 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month’s edition comes late due to my hectic work life and university study schedule. May was full of assignments and exams. The academic year is over now and this edition features exposed algorithms and a fresh batch of learning resources. The tool of the month is for developers who have an eye for design.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – April 2024

Welcome to Hot Web Dev April 2024, featuring the latest technology and web development news. This month features the impact of short-form content with short attention spans and tools for visual learners. The tool of the month packs a whole heap of features into a development environment you will want to install.

in Web Development

How Image-to-Text Converter Is Beneficial for University Students

Image-to-text converters are innovative tools that unlock the text trapped within images, transforming it into editable, searchable digital data. Consider this: you capture a snapshot of a page in your textbook, and within moments, it’s turned into text that you can tweak, sift through, and systematize. 

This isn’t a glimpse into a distant future, but rather, a modern reality engineered to ease your university life and make it more efficient.

in Education

The Best Student Developer Resources and Perks 2023

The life of a student developer can be both exciting and challenging. This unique phase in a developer’s journey is often characterised by learning, experimenting, balancing multiple priorities, and working on real-world projects. If you are off to University or college here are some ultimate freebies and free educational licenses that will kick-start your education.

in Education

Reddit’s Fall, Lemmy’s Rise: The New Era of Online Forums

In the rapidly evolving world of online communities, changes often lead to seismic shifts. Such is the case with Reddit, a giant in the sphere, whose controversial policy modifications caused a significant backlash and opened the door for new platforms. Enter Lemmy, a burgeoning forum-like application, now rising to prominence in the wake of Reddit’s contentious decisions. This blog delves into the journey of these two platforms, highlighting their highs, lows, and the ongoing transformation of digital interaction.

in Software

10 Top Mac Productivity Apps for Developers

There are many Mac productivity apps for developers on the market, and a ton of developers making them. Productivity is only made easy if the app is easy to use. This selection of Mac apps is simple to use and doesn’t require much setting up. If you are a busy developer you don’t have the time right. So, which are the best?

in Software

Hot New Web Dev – September 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev September 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month features one of the most significant purchases this year for a tech company. You can take your blogging skills to the next level with our carefully selected tools and resources that you will love. The web tool of the month is a vision of pure structure.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – August 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev August 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month features the latest in a security exploit. Ambassador programs for students who are doing university courses and free learning opportunities. Our tool/resource of the month is a modern take on a blast from the retro past. Hope you enjoy this month’s edition of web dev.

in Web Development

Super Linux Guide To Web Design 2022

Welcome to the Linux guide to web design 2022. I started using Linux in 2007 and have been a long-time fan ever since. It’s been 12 years since my original web design on Linux. During this time Linux has become more established and usable for novice users. If you own a Raspberry Pi you will more than likely use a Linux distribution. Without further ado, let’s check out what Linux has got to offer in the world of web design.

in Linux