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Tag Apps - Page 2

10 Top Mac Productivity Apps for Developers

There are many Mac productivity apps for developers on the market, and a ton of developers making them. Productivity is only made easy if the app is easy to use. This selection of Mac apps is simple to use and doesn’t require much setting up. If you are a busy developer you don’t have the time right. So, which are the best?

in Software

Hot New Web Dev – September 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev September 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month features one of the most significant purchases this year for a tech company. You can take your blogging skills to the next level with our carefully selected tools and resources that you will love. The web tool of the month is a vision of pure structure.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – August 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev August 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month features the latest in a security exploit. Ambassador programs for students who are doing university courses and free learning opportunities. Our tool/resource of the month is a modern take on a blast from the retro past. Hope you enjoy this month’s edition of web dev.

in Web Development

Super Linux Guide To Web Design 2022

Welcome to the Linux guide to web design 2022. I started using Linux in 2007 and have been a long-time fan ever since. It’s been 12 years since my original web design on Linux. During this time Linux has become more established and usable for novice users. If you own a Raspberry Pi you will more than likely use a Linux distribution. Without further ado, let’s check out what Linux has got to offer in the world of web design.

in Linux

5 Tools to Merge Multiple PDF Assignments to One Document

Students have to complete several assignments every day. Sometimes it becomes difficult for them to handle these documents. Moreover, when the files are in PDF format, they become non-editable. Neither they can make changes in the content nor combine them.

Here come the PDF combiners that help you unify and merge multiple PDF files and make it easy for the students to manage the assignments in a better way.

in Software

JavaScript Date Sorter

The JavaScript Date Sorter is a vanilla JavaScript Project that uses an HTML form to grab a name and date input and adds it to an HTML table. There is a third column that takes the date, calculates the age then adds it to the table. This table can be sorted and items can be deleted. The data uses the browser LocalStorage to store the items. There are buttons to recalculate the age and clear the table.

in Web Development

Quickly Install Visual Studio Code on Garuda Linux

I recently installed Garuda Linux on my Lenovo Yoga laptop. I came across an issue where I couldn’t install the Microsoft version of Visual Studio Code as it wasn’t in any of the repositories. After a little digging, I came across a way you can install it from a git repo. This may also work on other arch Linux based distributions. Please let me know in the comments.

in Linux

Learn To Code in 2022 With 10+ YouTubers

Every day is a school day and even I still learn to code. If you don’t already know I am a big fan of learning. I also like watching and learning from YouTubers and I have purchased many Udemy courses. In 2020 I published Top 10 Super YouTube Coders for Learning which featured some very popular YouTube channels. Since then I have come across many more developers using Youtube to showcase various teaching styles. All of the recommended channels have fewer than 78k subscribers at the time of writing but there should be much more in my opinion. Here are the underrated YouTube channels to follow now and as we go into 2022. Here goes in no particular order.

in Web Development

Best Rewriter Apps That Help Students in Assignments

Are you facing the problem of rewriting the assignments and making them unique? Are you looking for the best article rewrite? Here we will tell you the top rewriter apps that can perform your task on the mobile phone.

Not only will these applications will change the synonym, but they will also change its structure. So, without wasting time, let’s talk about the best sentence rewrites.

in Education

Yet Another Simple JavaScript To-Do List

To ask a simple question; Do we need another JavaScript to-do list? I guess it depends on whom it’s for to guess the right answer. A to-do app is generally a beginner’s project in any programming language. If I chuck another one in the mix it may be useful. It is likely to be different from any other. Why is that? My father would say, “There is more than one way to skin a cat”. (Not that he would have, he loved cats). In programming, there are many ways to do things. Whether it’s a different naming convention, organisation of code. We all have our own ways to do things. Anyhow, enough of my ramblings, let’s begin.

in Web Development