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Easy JavaScript Guessing Game – Part 2

The JavaScript guessing game tutorial is a simple beginners project. It features modern JavaScript syntax and runs without a Framework. We have already built a foundation for our game in Part 1. In this part, we make it a little bit harder to guess the number.

in Web Development

Easy JavaScript Guessing Game – Part 1

The JavaScript guessing game tutorial is a simple beginners project. It features modern JavaScript syntax and runs without a Framework. In this part, we will build the basic functionality and in further parts, we will customise it further. If you want to how this guessing game advances check out part 2.

in Web Development

Top Tips for a Career in Technology

If you are exploring a career in tech, this article might be of some help. Technology is a vast area, and it covers lots of diverse subjects. Coding, database management, network engineering or even SEO. Deciding which path to go down is a difficult decision. You may end up finding something else that you like along the way. Eventually, you may get to your destination sooner or later than planned.

in Technology

4 Top Money-Making Apps Ideal for College Students

With high unemployment rates, many people are struggling with little cash. Students are no exception either. Many people are now taking advantage of the Internet to seek part-time jobs. Luckily, there are different money-making apps for students, and you can access them using your smartphone.

in Education

The Spin and Win Sham – Online Gambling

Gambling, casinos, spin and win, is big business. No doubt everybody has had a flutter now and again. A little bet on the horses or your favourite sport won’t break the bank. If you have an addictive personality, one bet might lead to misery down the line. The expressions “Just one more time” or “When the fun stops, stop!” won’t help. By that time your bank is empty and your destroyed. In this article, we’ll explore the tricks of the trade to part with your money. Once you’re hooked what they do to keep you there.

in Life

5 Call Centre Tech Trends for 2020

The best call centres are those with the ideal combination of well-trained staff and the right technology. New tech trends are emerging all the time, but which ones enable call centre agents and the organisations they work in to improve overall business performance?  They have to adapt to meet the ever-evolving needs of the modern-day customer, and the software they use is playing an increasingly fundamental role.

With that in mind, let’s look at the latest call centre tech trends in 2020 and how they can improve your response rate and overall customer satisfaction.

in Technology

Top Savvy VS Code Extensions 2019

VS Code has become popular since its initial release in 2015. Released 1 year after Adobe Brackets and a year before Atom.  The battle of the text editors began to rival Commercial software Sublime Text. VS Code was designed to be a next-generation Code editor built on top of the Electron Framework. Its lightweight functionality and its extensible features make it fully compatible with the majority of programming languages. Microsoft has also made it cross-platform so it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. It can even run as a portable app.

in Web Development

How Technology Is Affecting the Future of Business

New technologies have always played an important role in driving business development.  Just like steam power and the cotton gin ushered and encouraged the Industrial Revolution. Groundbreaking changes, were brought about the way business was done in the 18th century. The internet and a string of high-tech inventions gave different industries a tremendous boost and led to the Digital Revolution which started in the 1950s and which is still underway.

in Technology

Extensions to Install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets

When it comes to open-source code editors we are spoilt for choice.  Do you go for Brackets, Atom or Visual Studio Code editors as an alternative to using a paid-for software? Do you install all and use them for different projects?  Here is a list of extensions to install on Visual Studio Code, Atom & Brackets. These extensions will enhance the use of your code editor making you super productive.

in Web Development

Mac OS Sierra – Apple Mail – Find and Reverse IP Address

A common method of scamming people is via email.  Today the majority of people access their email on the go using a mobile Phone or tablet. You only get the basic information when using these means.  This mini tutorial will show you how to access email headers using Apple Mail.

in Mac