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Welcome to the latest edition of the worldoweb monthly magazine. Each month, we handpick the most groundbreaking tools, tackle the most talked-about issues, and provide a plethora of resources designed to empower today’s digital enthusiasts.

Hot New Web Dev – August 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev August 2023, featuring the latest in web development at your fingertips. This month features an exposed WordPress plugin vulnerability and resources to help you build a WordPress block theme. As usual, we have our coding resources and our tool of the month. Enjoy.

in WordPress

Hot New Web Dev – July 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev July 2023, featuring the latest web development. This month features news of a brand change, another brand upsetting its users and despite the haters, PHP is making a comeback, of sorts. If you have never programmed PHP then now is a good time, just don’t listen to all the haters. As usual, we have our coding resources and our tool of the month. Enjoy.

in Software

Hot New Web Dev – June 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev June 2023, featuring the latest web development. This month features the latest version of Svelte. We look at scams/AI scams and how the young are falling for them. An update on Platform X, the OnClick situation. The web tool of the month will help you create beautiful documentation to go with your wonderful app.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – May 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev May 2023, featuring the latest web development. This month features a very special birthday. PyPi is to implement an important security feature by the end of the year. The web tool of the month is a fun CSS editor that is pointless and possibly painful to use.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – April 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev April 2023, featuring the latest web development and security news. This month features the latest version of Ubuntu. The latest MacOS malware can gain access to your sensitive data, including your passwords. OnClick Pro is now being rebranded platform X. New name but defaults to the original scam. The web tool of the month hooks into all the popular web frameworks.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – March 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev March 2023, featuring the latest news on web development and security. This month features the latest release of WordPress, which features over 900 enhancements. A recent hacking contest uncovered 27 exploits. Is the software you use one of them? The web tool of the month is perfect for developers who don’t have design skills.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – February 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev February 2023, featuring the latest news on web development technologies. This month features a threat that targets a popular package manager. Long live web design. Is web design dead in the twenty-twenties? The web tool of the month is codings answer to Grammarly.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – January 2023

Welcome to Hot Web Dev January 2023, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month we will talk about Artificial Intelligence and whether it will take over the world. We also discover some shady Android apps. The web tool of the month is a User Interface fit for any Vue.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – December 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev December 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month follows on from November’s edition which features a grifter out to grab your cash. Are you a victim? This month also features a major security update and the web tool of the month is a copy/paste resource to add usable blocks to your websites. Wishing all my readers a Happy New Year and all the best for 2023. See you in January.

in Web Development

Hot New Web Dev – November 2022

Welcome to Hot Web Dev November 2022, featuring the latest web development technologies. This month features a mini intro on an upcoming post on lifetime deals and whether are they really worth it. Are you a victim? The web tool of the month helps you learn which HTML elements can be nested within each other as a parent and child relationship.

in Web Development