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Quickly Install Visual Studio Code on Garuda Linux

I recently installed Garuda Linux on my Lenovo Yoga laptop. I came across an issue where I couldn’t install the Microsoft version of Visual Studio Code as it wasn’t in any of the repositories. After a little digging, I came across a way you can install it from a git repo. This may also work on other arch Linux based distributions. Please let me know in the comments.

in Linux

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Reloaded PHP Class

WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 is a PHP class that accesses single or multiple Twitter account feeds via the Twitter API using OAuth, the standard, secure way of interacting with your Twitter feeds. Version 2.0 replaces the following 2 scripts, Multi Twitter Script and Wow Twitter Single. Some of the original code has been reused but because it is object-orientated it should be easier to set up.

in Web Development

WOW RSSX PHP Class – Display Multiple Feeds using SimpleXML

WOW RSSX is another PHP script that fetches either a single or multiple RSS Feeds and combines them to display on your website along with categories and dates. With added options, you can tailor the output to suit your needs. The difference between the recently published WOW RSS and WOW RSSX is that this script uses SimpleXML and WOW RSS uses cURL to fetch the feeds and JSON to convert the feeds from a SimpleXML object to a PHP array.

in Web Development

WOW Playground – PHP Checkboxes Revisited

Having checked back at some of my popular PHP and jQuery posts I decided to create WOW playground which unites all of my previous checkboxes and radio button form tutorials into one handy script.  I have updated to newer, modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and PDO, to handle the database.  jQuery and jQuery UI has been updated to the latest versions with a few new features and the odd tweak here and there.

in Web Development

Adding Google Charts to WordPress Blog Part 2

In this mini-series of Google Visualization tutorials, we will be adding a Google chart to a WordPress theme without having to install any plugins but ensuring that we use the correct WordPress functions and recommended a safe way of implementing JavaScript. The data we will be pulling will be in JSON format and will be stored on the same server inside the theme directory.  In this tutorial, we will be adding a stacked column chart.  Want to add a table?  Check out part 1

in Web Development

Adding Google Charts to WordPress Blog Part 1

In this mini-series of Google Visualization tutorials, we will be adding a Google chart table to a WordPress theme without having to install any plugins but ensuring that we use the correct WordPress functions and recommended a safe way of implementing JavaScript. The data we will be pulling will be in JSON format and will be stored on the same server inside the theme directory.  In this tutorial, we will be adding a table. Want to add a chart?  Check out part 2

in Web Development

Jquery News Ticker – Display Recent Blog Posts

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display your recent blog posts in your WordPress theme in a news ticker style format using the jQuery news ticker script. If you want to link to the external RSS feed(s) try this tutorial. If you want to add a news ticker to a website that doesn’t use WordPress primarily but features a WordPress powered blog section then try this tutorial.

in Web Development

Multiple Users – Access Twitter 1.1 API with Oauth Script

Checkout WOW-Multi-Twitter 2.0 Primarily the focus of this tutorial is to display your cached tweets for 2 users using PHP and OAuth on your website. We will be accessing the secure Twitter 1.1 API with PHP by parsing both JSON files and merging them into a single file to cache and store on your server. This is a follow-up from Display Your Cached Tweets Using PHP and OAuth which is recommended for a single Twitter user.

in Web Development