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Follow easy access programming, WordPress, software and hardware tutorials.

Jquery News Ticker – Display Recent Blog Posts

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display your recent blog posts in your WordPress theme in a news ticker style format using the jQuery news ticker script. If you want to link to the external RSS feed(s) try this tutorial. If you want to add a news ticker to a website that doesn’t use WordPress primarily but features a WordPress powered blog section then try this tutorial.

in Web Development

Configure Apple Mail Email for Hotmail IMAP

Microsoft announced a few months ago that they were to introduce IMAP support for anyone with a Windows Live, Hotmail, MSN email account. This tutorial we will configure Apple Mail to use IMAP instead of the default POP. We will be using Mavericks the latest version of the Mac operating system although the settings will be the same for any Mail Client on Windows, Mac, Linux and any mobile client.

in Mac

Display WordPress Posts as a News Ticker

The following tutorial will display your latest WordPress posts in a news ticker format. The code is basically the same as my popular post Display Your Latest Posts on a Static Page except that the output is in an unordered list for the jQuery news ticker to work. This tutorial is meant for non WordPress websites to access their WordPress powered blog. To add a news ticker to your WordPress powered blog to display your latest posts try this tutorial. To add a news ticker to your WordPress blog with external RSS feeds try this tutorial.

in Web Development

WordPress – Display your Cached Tweets using PHP and OAuth

Primarily the focus of this tutorial is to display your cached tweets using PHP and OAuth on your WordPress website. We will be accessing the secure Twitter 1.1 API with PHP by parsing and caching the JSON file using the WordPress API. It may seem a lot of code just to display your latest tweets on your website but the benefits are that you can style it to the taste of your theme with a little CSS and caching the JSON file will not add extra load on the Twitter API.

New Update. I have packaged all of the features and more into a WP plugin. Please remember to remove any of the code used from this post before installing the plugin. Check out WOW-Twitter.

in Web Development

Create a Twitter App For The New API

As you may, or may not know, Twitter are going to depreciate version 1 of their API next March. What does this mean to you? If you currently parse the Json file to display your tweets you will no longer be able to have access unless you use the authentication features. Why authentication? Various reasons I assume to limit users from making unnecessary calls to the API, Security reasons. How do I go about it? Well now you will have to create a Twitter App then use a form of authentication to make the API call.

in Web Development

Display WordPress Posts on another WordPress Blog

Following on from the post Display Your WordPress Recent Posts on a Static Page which was used to display your WordPress posts on a non-WP website on the same server. I have had several people contacting me on how to display WordPress posts on another WordPress blog. This tutorial will show you how to display your posts, associated post thumbnail images and a snippet of the content from one blog to another by fetching the data from your RSS feed using the SimplePie RSS parser which is included in the WordPress installation.

in WordPress

Integrate WP Single Post Navigation into your WordPress Theme

This tutorial shows you how to integrate the WP Single Post Navigation into your theme without using the plugin. I initially attempted to use the plugin and for some reason it didn’t work on my custom child theme based on TwentyEleven so I decided to hard code it into my theme by adding it to my functions.php. I will show you two methods, one to display the default WordPress single post navigation and one to display how to reverse the links for a book like affect.

in WordPress

Display Your WordPress Recent Posts on a Static Page

This tutorial shows you how to display your recent posts on a static web page. So now you ask the question ‘Define Static?’ There are a variety of reasons why you may have static pages. If you have built a website from scratch and need a blog or news section. You want to pull some information from the blog to your homepage.

There have been several methods on the web including accessing the database. In this simple, but elegant solution I will show you 2 methods. One of which will be on a page with a .php extension and another will be on a page with a .htm extension.

If you want to display your latest posts on an existing WordPress blog please check out the following post.

Please check out Display your WordPress Recent Posts FAQs that I have set up to go along with this tutorial.

in WordPress

Fix 3G Error after Upgrading Android on HTC Desire HD

Ever since upgrading my HTC Desire HD to the latest version of Android (2.3.5) I have had no 3G mobile network. This just requires a simple fix to set your mobile settings to its default. Simply follow the next few steps to fix the problem.

in Mobile

Top 10- jQuery Tutorials

Being a big fan of jQuery I have put together a selection of jQuery tutorials. Tutorials that range from simple tooltips to navigation menus and image galleries. Do you have any favourite tutorials or do you reach straight for the plugins? Please feel free to comment.

in Web Development