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A Mini Guide to Optimising Your Site for the SERPs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an umbrella term for the various tactics you employ on your website, which will determine your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs).  If you want to increase your visibility on Google and Bing, you will need to master various powerful SEO techniques. To do so, read this mini guide to optimising your site for the SERPs.

Search Written on Blocks

Increase Your Web Speed

Your webpages’ speed can make or break your online performance. If they take longer than three seconds to load, it could lead to your visitors feeling frustrated and abandoning your website.
Google has also suggested that web speed is a major ranking factor, which is why you must:

  • Decrease redirects
  • Enable compression
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Optimise your images

It is also worthwhile improving your server response time, which will be affected by your web traffic, page resources, server software, and hosting solution. It might, therefore, be worthwhile switching to more reliable UK Cpanel hosting provider.

Boost Trust Signals with Internal Linking

Many webmasters underestimate the importance of internal linking, but it can lead to higher trust signals in the SERPs. After all, it can help your readers to navigate to different pages across your site, and it could potentially improve your site’s ranking for a variety of keywords.

If this wasn’t enough, it could make it easier for Google to both crawl and index your site, which can indicate that you regularly provide your users with helpful, trustworthy content.

Tweak Your Meta Descriptions

A meta description is a short paragraph that will appear under your site’s URL on Google. While there is no guarantee a meta description will increase your ranking in the search engines, it could boost your click-through rate.

If you use WordPress to power your site, you must write clear and succinct descriptions, which must be under 156 characters. To boost your ranking, aim to use your target keywords in the title tag and browser tag. You also must avoid stuffing the keywords into your description and naturally incorporate a few into the content, which should be written primarily for humans.

Always Tag Your Images

If you have yet to include an alt attribute when uploading images onto your site, you must aim to right this wrong as soon as possible. While Google might not be able to view your images, they can read the image alt text. It is essential to describe each image in the alt attribute to increase the likelihood of it appearing in a Google Image search, which could increase your web traffic.

Improve the Quality of Your Content

Never write articles solely for the search engines. If you want to increase your trust, web traffic, and revenue, you must publish helpful, well-written content for your target audience. Long-form content is also a Google ranking factor, which can increase the likelihood of your articles appearing at the top of the SERPs.

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