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Easy JavaScript Guessing Game – Part 2

The JavaScript guessing game tutorial is a simple beginners project. It features modern JavaScript syntax and runs without a Framework. We have already built a foundation for our game in Part 1. In this part, we make it a little bit harder to guess the number.

in Web Development

Hot Web Design and Development – January 2021

Happy New Year! Welcome to January 2021’s web design and dev resources. This month we feature a new tool for WordPress development. As the UK are once again in lockdown. Learning is challenging. Teaching is another. There are many ways to educate your children. It doesn’t always have to involve tech.

in Web Development

Hot Web Design and Development – December 2020

Welcome to December’s roundup of News, Web Design and Development resources. 2020 has been a difficult year around the globe but it’s been a bumper year for dev resources.  This month’s edition features Google’s AMP lawsuit over illegal practices. December’s edition also features web design tools and JavaScript resources.

in Web Development

Top 10 Super YouTube Coders for Learning

Welcome to my Top 10 YouTube coders for learning. I would have to admit I didn’t really get into YouTube until a year or so ago. I started doing a course myself and was looking around for some inspiration. My list is formed from my own opinion.  I’m open to hearing your own thoughts in the comment section.

in Web Development

Easy JavaScript Guessing Game – Part 1

The JavaScript guessing game tutorial is a simple beginners project. It features modern JavaScript syntax and runs without a Framework. In this part, we will build the basic functionality and in further parts, we will customise it further. If you want to how this guessing game advances check out part 2.

in Web Development

Hot Web Design and Development – November 2020

Welcome to the November 2020 roundup of Web Design and Development news. In this month’s edition, we feature the release of Mac’s latest OS. The 8th Version of the PHP programming language has been released. The changes appear to make it nicer to work with.  Only time will tell!

in Web Development

Top Tips for a Career in Technology

If you are exploring a career in tech, this article might be of some help. Technology is a vast area, and it covers lots of diverse subjects. Coding, database management, network engineering or even SEO. Deciding which path to go down is a difficult decision. You may end up finding something else that you like along the way. Eventually, you may get to your destination sooner or later than planned.

in Technology

Hot Web Design and Development – October 2020

Welcome to the October 2020 roundup of Web Design and Development news. This month we have seen the release of Ubuntu 20.10 which now has support to work with Raspberry Pi. Microsoft released the latest Windows 10, October update.

in Web Development

Hot Web Design and Development – September 2020

Welcome to the September 2020 roundup of Web Design and Development news. This month we have seen the release of iOS 14 and the leak of Windows XP source code. Vue, the JavaScript framework, has had a major upgrade to version 3. Would it be fair to compare Python and JavaScript?

in Web Development

Finding your Career Path in Tech – Lifetime Learning

The tech industry has evolved over the last 12 years since starting this blog. Techniques have changed and so have the software and infrastructure behind them. Moving at this fast pace can be daunting to anyone new in the development field. Finding the right career path can be a challenge. One that can be equally rewarding!

in Education