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Welcome to the worldoweb's Articles Hub – a curated space where the realms of coding, web design, and business converge. Dive into the latest industry news, explore insightful perspectives on contemporary business trends, and immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of code tutorials and design insights.

eCommerce Mistakes: Have an eCommerce Website? Fix These Mistakes Now!

If you are wondering why your eCommerce website is not getting enough traffic or ranking-well on the search result, then one of the reasons would be the below-mentioned eCommerce mistakes. Unlike a regular website for business or personal portfolio, an eCommerce website includes an array of features that make navigation, operation, and maintenance easy. To build a fully-functional eCommerce website, there are certain core elements that need to be a part of it, and failure to do this would hurt your site’s traffic, ranking, and ultimately the conversion rate.

in Web Development

MacOS Catalina – Light-Hearted, Humble Review

Welcome to my light-hearted review of Catalina. My Mac is 7 years old and my last review of a Mac OS was back in 2014.  The Mac in question has lasted longer than any Windows Computer that I have ever owned. As the last DIY upgradeable Mac, I added an SSD and 16GB RAM. If only they let you do that now!  Over the last few years, old Macs have been incompatible with the latest operating system.  Being 7 years old I thought it was time.  Apple ceases to amaze me (please humour me) by making my MacBook Pro compatible with Catalina.  I had my doubts that it would run. I navigated my way to the App Store with my inner voice telling me no, don’t do it!

in Software

The Key Differences Between Charts and Graphs Explained

As a data expert, you have to deal with various presentation methods like charts and graphs. By now, you should not be struggling to understand that these two have some differences unless you are a beginner. If you look carefully, you will notice that all graphs are forms of charts, but the latter are not necessarily graphs.  To clear the air, we will look at the major differences between the two so that both beginners in data and experts can both easily understand it. Read on to learn more.

in Education

Top Savvy VS Code Extensions 2019

VS Code has become popular since its initial release in 2015. Released 1 year after Adobe Brackets and a year before Atom.  The battle of the text editors began to rival Commercial software Sublime Text. VS Code was designed to be a next-generation Code editor built on top of the Electron Framework. Its lightweight functionality and its extensible features make it fully compatible with the majority of programming languages. Microsoft has also made it cross-platform so it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. It can even run as a portable app.

in Web Development

How Technology Is Affecting the Future of Business

New technologies have always played an important role in driving business development.  Just like steam power and the cotton gin ushered and encouraged the Industrial Revolution. Groundbreaking changes, were brought about the way business was done in the 18th century. The internet and a string of high-tech inventions gave different industries a tremendous boost and led to the Digital Revolution which started in the 1950s and which is still underway.

in Technology

How to Survive Google Algorithm Updates

Just like the weather on a summer’s day, Google’s algorithms change several times during the working day. Most updates have little or no impact on your website’s ranking position, but some seriously impact the position of your website on the search engines’ results pages.

in Marketing

Result Driven And Innovative Web Design Trends To Follow In 2019

In this penultimate year of the decade, there are lost to know and do in web design especially when the internet has undergone such dramatic changes in the past couple of years. Expectations of the users, business owners and shareholders have also changed at an equally rapid pace. Therefore, as a web designer, you will need to know the current as well as the upcoming trends in web design and deliver just as your clients want.

in Web Development

A Mini Guide to Optimising Your Site for the SERPs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an umbrella term for the various tactics you employ on your website, which will determine your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs).  If you want to increase your visibility on Google and Bing, you will need to master various powerful SEO techniques. To do so, read this mini guide to optimising your site for the SERPs.

in Marketing